Our services
After the UK leaves the EU on 31 December 2020, customs clearance, previously only applicable to third countries, will become mandatory for UK-EU trade, so everything from the waves lapping the south coast of England, to the Welsh bards, to the hills echoing the Scottish bagpipes, will be treated as imports and exports.
ha a kezdeti lépéseken (egyéni vállalkozó regisztráció, cégbejegyzés) túl van, akkor jó tudni, hogy a könyvelés kulcsfontosságú eleme üzleti sikerének. Ezért is fontos, hogy ezt a feladatot szakemberre bízza, nem beszélve arról, hogy addig takarít meg, ha ránk bízza a könyvelést. Az így megspórolt időt vállalkozása fejlesztésére használhatja fel.
miben sikerünk?
Teljes körű könyvelési szolgáltatást nyújtunk egyéni vállalkozók és társas vállalkozások számára.
Amire szükségünk van: bevétel-kiadás számlák, bankszámlakivonatok, egyéb cégspecifikus bizonylatok, melyekkel minden könyvelési munkát el tudunk végezni.
Mik ezek a feladatok?
Pénzügyi kimutatások
készítése Zárás előkészítése
Értékesítési, beszerzési és tárgyi eszköz számlák könyvelése, ellenőrzése
Eredmények és veszteségek nyilvántartása
ÁFA bevallások
Éves beszámolók
Fontos tudni!
Sok más cégtől eltérően mi nem Excel táblázatokat, hanem asztali és felhőalapú könyvelői szoftvereket használunk az üzleti tranzakciók rögzítésére, amely biztosítja, hogy ügyfeleink és cégünk is gyorsan, pontosan és könnyen érthető kimutatásokat készítsen, készítsen, ill. olyan bevallásokat nyújtson be, amelyek megfelelnek az aktuális tartalmi és formai feltételeknek.
TAX RETURNS for individuals and sole traders
Personal income tax returns
If you are self-employed, have more than one job, are a company director or have multiple sources of income, you must submit a tax return to HMRC by 31 January of the year following the tax year. If this is not done, the penalty can be in excess of £1600 pro rata temporis. Completing a tax return can be time consuming and stressful if you are not familiar with how to do it. For many businesses, preparing an annual return is a headache.
What we can help you with:
- preparing and submitting the return online
- consulting and liaising with the tax office, taking the burden of time-consuming communication with the authorities off your business.
TAX RETURNS Partnerships (Partnership, Limited Partnership)
In the case of partnerships, a return must be filed for both the partnership and the members. The deadline for filing a return with the tax office is 31 January of the year following the tax year. For Limited Partnerships, a confirmation statement is required to be prepared and filed with Companies House within 12.5 months of incorporation.
TAX RETURNS For companies (Ltd, Limited Liability Partnership)
Companies registered in England have three tax return obligations each year. Two of these must be filed with Companies House and one with HMRC.
The names and due dates of the returns to be filed with Companies House:
- Confirmation statement: This includes details of the company such as the names of the owners, shareholdings, names of directors, registered office address, business activities.
Deadline for filing: 12.5 months after the registration of the company. - Annual Accounts: This contains the company’s balance sheet and profit and loss account, the company’s internal accounting policies, explanations of the various data. First filing deadline: 21 months after company registration and annually thereafter.
It is very important to note that whether the company has an active activity or is a so-called “dormant company” with no activity, both returns must be filed. If the confirmation statement is not filed, the company will be compulsorily dissolved within three months of the filing deadline.
Late filing of the Annual Accounts may result in a fine for the company and even disqualification for the director, which will be published on the Companies House website.
The amount of the fine:
For delays of between 1-30 days: |
£150 |
For delays of between 31-90 days: |
£373 |
For delays of between 91-180 days: |
£750 |
For delays of over 181 days: |
£1500 |
If the return is submitted late a second time, the penalty is automatically doubled.
The return to be submitted to HMRC
- a) for an LTD:
Corporation tax rate: 19% on the profits
Deadline for payment: 21 months after incorporation
Deadline for filing: 12 months after the end of the tax year of the company
- b) for an LLP:
Partnership’s return: Here the members are liable to pay tax on their income from the partnership
Deadline for filing: 31 January of the year following the end of the tax year.
Currently, businesses in England are not required to be VAT registered until their turnover for a continuous 12-month period exceeds a certain amount. Currently this amount is capped at GBP 85 000, above which the business is required to register with HMRC. If a business fails to comply with the registration requirement within one month, it may be subject to a penalty, depending on the amount of VAT payable and the length of time for which registration is overdue.
Worth to know
- In England, VAT returns are generally made quarterly. The end of the quarter is not the same as the calendar quarter for all companies, the end of the first period is optionally chosen by the business and the tax office will indicate the end of the first return period on the registration letter, from which the quarter is calculated.
- From 1 January 2021, the rules for sending and clearing e-commerce parcels have changed for small value parcels, i.e. parcels under the value of £135, sent to individuals in Great Britain. In this case, the seller must charge UK VAT at the time of sale and pay this to the UK government. Where the goods in the parcel are not excisable goods and the value of the parcel is £135 or less the parcel is not dutiable under UK customs rules, only the VAT liability already mentioned above is required. This is subject to an UK VAT registration number.
- From 1 January 2021, an export invoice (VAT-free) shall be issued for all business-to-business purchases from the European Union
- Import VAT shall be payable on goods purchased and imported from EU countries, VAT paid on imports can be reclaimed for VAT registered companies.
Our company undertakes:
- to find the most appropriate VAT scheme for your business, depending on your turnover and activity
- the completion administrative tasks that go along with VAT registration
- the preparation and submission of VAT returns
- the registration of the EORI number in the case of import-export
If you’re growing your business, have a lot of jobs and this creates the need for an administrative colleague or maybe you’d like to pay yourself from your own company, it’s good to know:
Payroll accounting involves calculating, recording, certifying and fulfilling the tax and contribution payment obligations of employers, employees and other persons in a legal relationship in relation to wages and benefits-in-kind and their income, as well as the related data reporting obligations.
- weekly, fortnightly and monthly breakdowns,
- employees are paid by bank transfer
- filing of the compulsory statements in the company’s accounting system
- calculating the monthly National Insurance and Personal Income Tax payments, filling in the relevant forms and sending them to the tax office via the Internet
All you have to do is to transfer the correct amount to HMRC and to your employees
Important to know:
- Employers must pay the employee the current minimum wage.
The names of companies where the employee does not receive the current minimum wage are posted on a website called Named and shamed. This site is run by the British government. - Employers are required to have liability insurance for their employees, officially called Employer Liability Insurance
Customs agenting
oo many questions you can’t find the answers to or need someone to guide you through the maze of customs?
We know that this is a change of such magnitude that it represents a not insignificant extra burden for businesses. We can’t take all the burden off businesses, but by using our customs clearance and advisory services we can make it much easier to navigate the maze of laws and regulations.
List of our services:
– Export customs declaration
– Transit (T1)
– Import customs declaration
– GVMS (Goods and Vehicle Movement System)
– IPAFFS advance notification (live animals, animal products, organic and high risk products
food and feed)
– EORI registration
– VAT registration for DDP parcels or small parcels (under £135)
– Consultation
To request one of our customs clearance services, contact us or request a quote here:
We can send you a quote or ask us for a quote:
– Dover
— London Gateway
– Dover
– London Gateway
– Southampton
– Tilbury
Important! The list of the ports we use is constantly growing, if you can’t find the port you need please contact us.
Our accounting team

Ildikó Mokran
Owner, Managing Director

Csilla Fekete
Owner, Head of Office

Andrea Steele-Krajcsi

Mária Kempf-Bereczki

Andrea Sóki
general administrator & payroll manager